It is important to understand that the following key figures mentioned in this article may vary and that it is therefore not possible to directly compare key figures from company A with company B if they operate in separate industries.
The 3 key figures will often be at a higher level for companies in industries with high growth than for companies in industries where growth is limited.
Price / Earning – P / E
Shows how much a price you pay at the current share price for a profit of 1 kroner when buying a share.
Price / Earning = Stock price / Result per. shares
Result per share = Profit for the year / Number of shares at the end
Price / Net asset value – K / I
Shows the relationship between price and the company’s intrinsic value. Net asset value is the equity associated with each share.
Price / net asset value = Stock price / Net asset value
Net asset value per share = Equity at the end / Number of shares at the end
The price / net asset value ratio helps to show how much the market is willing to pay to own the value of “net asset value per share”.
Price / Cashflow per share
Typically calculated from cash flow from operations.
Price / Cashflow per share = Stock price / Cash flow per. shares
- Shows how much a shareholder pays for $1 liquidity
Cash flow per share = Cash flow from operations / Number of shares at the end
- Shows how much the company generates cash from operations.